mental health

Reconnect this Autumn and Winter

We’re delighted to say that we’ve secured more funding from Sussex Community Foundation to continue our 4 week Reconnect courses offering more chances to get out into nature with others this autumn and winter.

This time of year can be so tricky for some but exposure to light, connection with people and the earth can be so helpful in warding off those winter blues.

We have courses running on nearly every day of the week so there’s bound to be one that will work for you or your clients. We’re also offering 2 gentler courses on Mondays for those who would love to join us but may have lower energy levels or less physical mobility.

For more information and to register for a place see Reconnect — Growing wellbeing

Join us for the Big Green Day Out

If you’re looking for something really rather lovely to do on Saturday 16th October why not take part in the Big Green Day Out.

Explore Sussex and discover all the wonderful green wellbeing projects that are doing such great work on a number of trails across Sussex. Tour the sites, meet the project leaders and experience the benefits of being outside in some beautiful locations.

For more information on the trails available including maps and info about each project see the Facebook event Big Green Day Out

We hope to see you there

Grow is springing to life!

Reconnecting with Grow this spring

Hello everyone, we hope you are enjoying the beauty of springtime and the chance to reconnect with nature and friends as the lockdown begins to ease. As it is now possible to meet in small groups together, Grow is starting to run in-person Reconnect sessions again. If you are interested then check out the information on those pages and get in touch. We’d love for you to join us.

Grow is on YouTube!

We’re also very happy to announce that Grow now has a YouTube channel! And to celebrate its launch, you can enjoy watching the “Hope Springs” video that some of you very kindly contributed images, videos and poems to. The video is a mini journey from wintertime to spring to capture the changing of the seasons. And what better time to release it than this moment as we experience a bit more freedom to spend time with others.

Please feel free to share the video with your friends and family :-)

Wishing you all a gentle and enriching time this spring.

Reconnect with us

Each one of us will have had our own unique experience of lockdown. For some it has been a time for pause and reflection, time to slow down. For others it’s been a lonely old time and for still others who have working to keep all our key services going it’s probably been a hectic and stressful time.

For myself, I’ve been very grateful for the chance to stop and take stock. Grow life this year was looking very busy in March with Artists Open Houses, Natural Wellbeing courses booked every month, digital storytelling workshops and of course our core, most special programme - the Season.

As we went into lockdown, we stayed connected with the Season that had already started via Zoom and like the rest of the world we wondered if Zooming was the way forward. However whilst this may have become a new word in most of our vocabularies, we took the decision that real connection - with nature and with others - was what we were all about.

So as we all start emerging like buds after a long hibernation, we’ve decided that real connection is what we need to continue doing. Obviously meeting in large groups is still not an option for us, so instead we’re going to dip out toes gently in the water and start running some small groups for shorter times and over a shorter period…but more of them, thanks to some wonderful recent funding from Brighton District Nurses Association Trust.

If you would relish the chance to reconnect with nature and with others then join us for our Reconnect Sessions. 3-4 hour sessions once a week for 4 weeks in safe, supported (and suitably distanced but always connected) groups.

We’ll travel together to some beautiful spaces around and outside of the city, spend time in nature and just enjoy the beauty that has been growing all around us while we’ve been locked down.

And some day we’ll start doing all those other wonderful things again together…but slowly…and when the time is right.

It’s a glorious summer out there right now…..come and join us. To register your interest visit our website and fill in the online form