Grow is springing to life!

Reconnecting with Grow this spring

Hello everyone, we hope you are enjoying the beauty of springtime and the chance to reconnect with nature and friends as the lockdown begins to ease. As it is now possible to meet in small groups together, Grow is starting to run in-person Reconnect sessions again. If you are interested then check out the information on those pages and get in touch. We’d love for you to join us.

Grow is on YouTube!

We’re also very happy to announce that Grow now has a YouTube channel! And to celebrate its launch, you can enjoy watching the “Hope Springs” video that some of you very kindly contributed images, videos and poems to. The video is a mini journey from wintertime to spring to capture the changing of the seasons. And what better time to release it than this moment as we experience a bit more freedom to spend time with others.

Please feel free to share the video with your friends and family :-)

Wishing you all a gentle and enriching time this spring.